Arts Education Supplemental Information

Please enter the order number from your email confirmation.
Enter show(s) title & time in the field below. You must fill out one Supplemental Information form for each order submitted.
A maximum of 1 adult for 10 students and a minimum of 1 adult for 20 students is required. Home school families may have 1 adult per household in attendance. If your group requires additional supervision, please note in Special Needs section.
Please specify number of students, special accommodation needs, and show(s)/date(s). Types of requests may include wheelchair, sight or hearing impairment, ASL interpreter (must be requested at least 4 weeks prior to show date).
Teacher/Field Trip Coordinator Email(Required)
Note: Public and private schools please use your school division email address.
Attending Lead Teacher Name (If different than School Contact)
School Address(Required)


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