Created by Bill Blagg, Milwaukee, WI
Bill Blagg’s Magic in Motion
DATE Monday, November 20
- 10:15 am
- 12:15 pm
GRADES Grades 3-6
Magic in Motion melds the fascination of magic with the wonders of physical science to create an unbelievable educational experience! In this highly visual, interactive show, students will explore how science creates magic and will learn first-hand how to create illusions using core scientific principles such as force, energy, friction, motion and more.
Together with Bill they will apply these principles in a variety of magical experiments that will bend the laws of science and create the impossible! Magic in Motion is a magic-filled, educational experience that is designed to inspire students to investigate how physical science can create magic while also playing an important role in their daily lives.
SOL Connections to Science
3.2 a, b, 4;1 a, d, e, 5.2, 5.3, 5.5, 5.6, 6.4; SOL Connections to Fine Arts/Theatre Arts; Curriculum Connections to the concepts of magic and illusion, physical science, prediction, observation, interpreting, analyzing, and evaluating scientific data.